Thursday, August 29, 2013

Idiot Box

Speaking of cardboard box, my most fond memory about it was when Dena used a cardboard box for a bobsled race with her friend down the stairs in our house. She was about eight or nine years old. Another memorable moment was an episode of Spongebob in which he and Patrick order a TV just so they can play with the box. When Squidward, their grumpy neighbour, ask why they throw away a brand new TV Spongebob replies, "We don't need television. As long as we have our imagination!" Never underestimate the power of \i-ˌma-jə-ˈnā-shən\.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I'm fascinated by cardboard boxes. I love the info graphics on it. I love the print of numbers  and letters on it that indicates a serial number of a product. I love its construction: paperboard-corrugated paper-paperboard sandwich. I love that they are available abundantly and practically cost nothing. I love that I can make about four A5 journals from a medium size box and none of them are identical. What else can I make?

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Bla Bla Bla

I'm not much of a talker when I run. I'm amazed how some runners can talk all the time while they are running. Sunday. Three runners. Two guys. One girl. As they were catching up and passing me I heard the first guy said"...mile twenty. I was inside a tunnel, couldn't feel my legs, hardly breathing, was about to quit when I see a light at the end of a tunnel and I swear I saw Jesus in the light, his arms were wide open. So I told my legs to keep going and you wouldn't believe how fast I went." The second guy said,"Wow!" The girl said,"Really?" I bet the other two were not much of a talker either. I didn't know running can be a religious experience.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Busking Boys

A guy handed out a small angpao envelope to diners in a hectic street cafe. A Chinese dragon blinking its eyes right outside the cafe. No acrobatic jump. What a joke! A guy underneath a busy crossing bridge. Playing beautiful music with his violin. What a treat! 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Super Human

Don't be alarmed if you meet a Pram Ranger in subway station in western Tokyo with no escalator or lift. If you carry a stroller or some heavy bags he will lend you his super power to carry them down or up the stairs. I'm not sure if he can throw a punch or fly or save you from a bad guy. But I'm pretty sure he has a giant heart. Why is he doing this? Because he can! Tadahiro Kanemasu, you are an awesome human er...super hero!

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Drawing has never been easier, cleaner, greener, faster and more fun! Who would have thought that a graphic tablet can make my life easier? Before I knew Wacom Bamboo I have to draw on paper, scan it, often time redraw it, rescan it, until I'm happy with the result. Now I just draw on the tablet with a pressure-sensitive stylus, edit it on the spot and that's it! The only thing that still bothers me is with a stylus my lines are a bit wobbly and shy, with a Snowman marker my lines are muscular and loud. But I save at least a good ten to fifteen minutes! Why do I feel it's important to save time when I have all the time in the world? Go figure.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


It's always delightful to see or to hear from former students. An enthusiastic scream of my name top with a big hug. A courteous and polite handshake. An encouraging Facebook message. Hello Lakesha, Arnando, Artisa! 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Beautiful Mess

Finally! I found a cool interactive book by Keri Smith in a grown up section of a book store. I love her definition of "mistake": Happenings or occurence by which the creator does not have complete control over the final outcome (end result) that result in conclusions the creator did not predict. We might also call them "experiments". A book that encourage readers to make a mess. I think everyone who grew up being told to color within the lines, or to draw and color objects in a certain ways need to do the activities in this book to jump start their right brain. Go ahead make a mess. You'll feel better.

Monday, August 19, 2013


A young mother pushing a stroller through a hall in a mall. Busy texting and smiling. Completely oblivious of a plant in a giant pot the middle of the hall. Her toddler munching something joyfully. Good thing she looked up from her mobile just in the nick of time. Phew! That was close.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Me: What do you want to be when you grow up Marvin? 
Marvin: I want to be an archer. How to be an archer tante Tina? 
Me: You have to go to an archer school when you are big. 
Marvin: Hey! Look! An archer school! 
Me: Huh?!! Where? 
Marvin: There! There! Look at the sign! Will you take me there when I'm big? 
Me: Eer..Okay!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

No Poca Sweat

12K Sunday run. Car Free Day. I thought it would be fun to take a detour and run along a river bank. Down the stairs from Dukuh Atas Station. Bad idea. Extremely uneven concrete block path. Water is my salvation but I thought it would be nice to try an isotonic drink. Bad idea. My stomach growled, twisted and churned. I had to quit at 10.5K but I swear the last 2K was the fastest run in my life ever. LOL. Mental note to self: stick to my routine! Spontaneity in running is not always good.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Nom Nom Nom

A bagel and cream cheese never taste so good after a run. A bottle of soy milk never taste so good after a run. A banana never taste so good after a run. Running makes everything good and awesome even taste better. Suddenly I am more aware of my own five senses. I take delight in every bite. Will running wake my sixth sense? Knock knock on wood.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Sole Mate

My injury-prone left ankle is so in love with Asics GT 2170. Ever since they met all they want to do is to be together. All the time. No more throwing tantrum. No more drama. They are so inseparable ever since. I hope they live happily ever after.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Three's Company

Three guys in Trans Jakarta Busway. Just because the bus was half empty doesn't give them the right to sit in the ladies' only section. Rules are rules. But personally I think the idea that women need to be treated differently when it comes to transportation is rather silly. Ladies parking only, ladies section only for bus and train. You don't think I'm capable of taking care of myself? Please! -_-

Friday, August 9, 2013

Running On Empty

Second day of a national religious holiday. Taking advantage of the extremely light traffic due to the annual mudik tradition. Running through streets I wouldn't dare to take even on weekend. Getting cheerful good mornings from fellow runners, bicyclists, security guards, road sweepers, and passersby. What made people in the streets extra friendly this morning? The holiday or the air with less toxic fumes from cars, busses and motorcycles? Go figure. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sunday Treasure Hunt

What is it about old structures that gives me such a thrill? Kota Tua aka Oud Batavia. Handsome Toko Merah. Silly streetlights facing a dirty river. A bridge with so many names. Enchanting Menara Syahbandar. Gloomy and melancholy Maritime Museum with drop-dead gorgeous wooden door. Early dinner in Cafe Batavia. My feet were exhausted from all those walking, my eyes and my heart were delighted. I'm in love.

Monday, August 5, 2013


A guy in a crowded Trans Jakarta Busway, standing, holding his Ipad on one hand and typing something on it with the other hand. He wasn't leaning on any part of the bus or leaning on someone. He was caught up in his e-world but was able to hold his ground and kept his balance at the same time. I held to a handrail with both hands and still struggling to keep my balance. Maybe I should get an Ipad to keep my balance. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Feet Pressure

I always think that acupuncture is overrated. Anything that can cure just about everything under the sun is a bit too good to be true. My left ankle totally disagrees with me. After only three visits I think I have new respect for acupuncture but I'm not convinced yet. If only it could cure my outburst of impatience.

Friday, August 2, 2013

I Am Who I Am

In the old days you have to actually spend some time with people to get to know who they are. Nowadays you can get a sense of what someone like from the comfort of your home. Just look their Facebook status, blog posts, tweets, path pictures, mobile status and other social media. My grandma says you are what you eat. My daughter says you are what you tweet. Can you tell what kind of a person I am from my blog?